The OpenWRT ImageBuilder is a tool that allows you to take the software from a Kamikaze firmware build, apply your changes and additions, and build new firmware images that can be installed on your router. There is a Subversion repository for the mesh firmware that holds the ImageBuilder along with the mesh/olsr modifications. The basename of this repository is:
You can check out a copy of the code like this:
svn co svn://
This gives you a checkout of the trunk, which is the most up to date development version of the firmware. If you want to start with a released version of the firmware these additional svn paths exist:
svn:// svn:// svn:// svn:// svn:// svn:// svn://
Currently AD5OO is taking responsibility for coordinating the official firmware releases and merging in code from other developers. To that end, the svn paths given above are all read-only. Contact
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if you would like a branch created that you have read-write access to. An example branch path is:
After you have an initial checkout of the trunk or one of the branches all you need to do is run "svn update" in the top level directory of your working copy to pull down the updates. There is no need to do a new checkout every time. If you are not familiar with svn, go to This is the current path structure within the repository:
wrt54g/trunk wrt54g/tags/0.3.0 wrt54g/tags/0.3.1 wrt54g/tags/0.3.2 wrt54g/tags/0.3.3 wrt54g/tags/0.4.0 wrt54g/tags/0.4.1 wrt54g/tags/0.4.2 wrt54g/tags/0.4.3 wrt54g/tags/1.0.0 olsrd/trunk olsrd/tags/0.4.10 olsrd/tags/0.4.10-1 olsrd/tags/0.4.10-2 olsrd/tags/0.4.10-3 olsrd/tags/0.6.0 olsrd/tags/0.6.0-0.4.0 olsrd/tags/0.6.0-0.4.1 olsrd/tags/0.6.4 olsrd/tags/ olsrd/tags/